Welcome to Chip's BB
Update: Due to massive spambot attacks, automatic registration is closed altogether. Contact us and we'll set you up!
Click Sign Up
and register normally, then contact us. Accounts are activated manually.
The message telling you to check your E-Mail is wrong, that's due to this forum software.
- It's too easy to wreak havoc via automated, unsecured E-Mail as this software offers.
- There is an unofficial Google reCaptcha plugin, but we prefer not to use it.
Forum Software
It is not yet finished and we may migrate/reinstall a few times. Apart from still being unpolished it feels nice to use though, so let's give it a try. We can always switch to something more classic if need be.
Password Change / Post Deletion
To change your account password contact us and we'll send you a link where you can do so.
Deletion is a two-step process: to have the data itself deleted and not just hidden, contact us. Preferably don't post private info in the first place.
Having a friendly, interesting and useful place to post about varied topics together. Helping each other.
Legalese and Moderation
We live in difficult times and it's important to be very mindful in your posting. Hosters are liable for user-generated content one way or another. Therefore posts are set to approval-only. You can still edit the posts for a while as this software's developers have obviously missed this glitch, but if you abuse this you will be deleted.
Copyright violations can yield more severe punishment than assault today, so be mindful of your uploads to CHIP.
Embrace Writing
Goldfish already had a longer attention span than humans in 2013 (1 2). Let's raise the quality by taking the appropriate time to write. A forum does not need to be instant, realtime chat. We have a chat for that.
Media Storage
Use external hosters and just link. You can embed images so they're shown in your post. If you know good hosters we can create a list.
Treat others like you want to be treated. Imagine the other person is sitting next to you, the internet is merely a tool.