Modern life is simply one pill to another, and most times both together. From before birth to after death - every unhealthy way of living is promoted, and 10 new pills to ATTEMPT to counter the damage are sold.
wasn't always this way tho
For the majority of human history, 'medical science' has been about living life in a way which our bodies naturally prefer. It was hard to end up badly enough to need medicine - quite opposite of today. Food that we eat today would be fit for the pits of Tartarus, and a man is what he eats... (life is hell).
Hell, medicine wasn't even a major part of healing anyways. Nature, environment, songs, dance, music, animals, LOVE, physical contact, the elements... and the people, all play a role in healing the soul, the mind, and the body. All of them affect you deeply and personally - even modern science agrees with that. Look up some old traditional 'Healing music'; if they can still be found that is.
my point is, to eat and live in a way that does not require tiny pills of black magic
Looking at any ancient medical science/lifestyle science of any race/nation would tell you the same basics - clean environment, positive mind, healthy loving society, and nutritious food - rice, real plant veges (non-GMO), fresh real meat from a happy healthy animal, fish, beans (real again), natural seeds, fruits (BIG NON-GMO), some nice spices, and a lot of plant knowledge that's been constantly fading away.